Call Identifier:


Estimated Call Budget:

55 Million EUR

Call Open Date: 2024-01-11

Call Deadline: 2024-04-25

Call Topics:

Call Description:

Expected Outcome: In line with the new European Innovation Agenda’s flagship on accelerating and strengthening innovation in European Innovation Ecosystems across the EU and addressing the innovation divide, this action is intended to create connected regional innovation valleys across the European Union (EU), involving regions with lower innovation performances, by building on strategic areas of regional strength and specialisation (defined in their smart specialisation strategies), in support of key EU priorities. Successful applicant regions under this call topic will be recognised as “regional innovation valleys”.

Projects results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: 

•    Open, efficient, inclusive and interconnected innovation ecosystems across the EU in line with the New European Innovation Agenda, building on their diversities and complementarities, enhancing the joint definition of visions and strategies involving actors from across the quadruple helix, based notably on their respective national/regional smart specialisation strategies, and strengthening their efficiency and potential to innovate;

•    Enhanced synergies, complementarities and cooperation among European innovation ecosystems around strategic areas, technologies and challenges of common European interest, build on Smart Specialisation Strategies and, where applicable, on the participation in the pilot Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRIs)), the creation of common knowledge assets within regional innovation valleys, and support to their cros border connectedness;

•    Increased innovation capabilities, including in deep tech in Member States and Associated Countries, allowing innovators to bring their ideas to the market and enable innovations to be scaled up at EU level, and facilitating the link with the private sector and other research and innovator actors;

•    Better links between innovation 'leaders' and 'strong' innovator regions with 'moderate' and 'emerging' innovator regions across the EU and Associated Countries;

•    More innovation co-investments, mobilising other funding leverages, including European, national or regional public funds and/or other private funds, to complement Horizon Europe support;

•    Increased participation of all innovation ecosystems actors across EU territories in technology and industrial value chains (existing and emerging ones) relevant to the EU twin green and digital transition to achieve broader sustainability and the EU's open strategic autonomy. 

Scope: Target group(s): The topic is primarily focused on the regional aspects of innovation and targeted at national and/or regional innovation authorities. Other relevant entities can participate in the consortia as associated partners (such as research institutions, public authorities, universities, companies, clusters, innovation intermediaries, etc.). 

Special Conditions:

Expected EU contribution per project

The Commission estimates that an EU contribution of between EUR 8.00 and 12.00 million would allow these outcomes to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of a proposal requesting different amounts.

Indicative budget of the call /Number of porjects to be funded

55 Million EUR / 5

25.00 million EUR of the total busget is covered by the 'European Innovation Council (EIC)' budget.

Type of Action

Programme Co-fund Action


This action requires the participation of at least five (5) national or regional authorities, from at least five (5) different Member States or Associated Countries, of which at least two (2) are representing a 'moderate' or 'emerging' innovator region and at least one (1) is representing a 'strong' or 'innovationleader' innovator region.

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