  12 September 2019

This training event aimed to familiarise participants with the essential steps needed to develop successful impact strategies for Horizon 2020 proposals and projects. The training was to support pre-identified individuals to act as information multipliers in Turkey of successful strategies related to Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. This was a highly interactive workshop. An EC officer, Dr. Carolina Rodriguez, Policy Officer on A3 – Horizon Strategic Planning & Programming (Co-design & Co-creation), presented the impact strategies in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
Objectives of the workshop were:

  • i) To understand often confusing concepts related to Impact such as Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation, Impact, Commercialisation ;
  • ii) To familiarize trainees with the development of DEC (Dissemination & Exploitation, Communication) strategies for Horizon 2020 proposals and projects;
  • iii) To familiarize trainees with the development Impact Strategies for Horizon 2020 proposals and projects;
  • iv) To familiarize participants with the development of commercialization activities and business plans in Horizon 2020 proposals and projects

The whole event focused on participants building their confidence in Impact strategies, i.e. plans to advance the visibility of horizon 2020 projects and build effective DEC, impact, and commercialization plans.
The interactivity with the audience was ensured through “Questions and answers” during the presentations and hands-on practice exercises.
The event was a 2-days, demanding the event to be designed as interactive as possible.