Electronic Components and Systems Brokerage Event (ECS 2022)
  04 January 2022

Electronic Components and Systems Brokerage Event (ECS 2022) will be hosted by the associations AENEAS, Inside-IA ve EPoSS and will be held on 18-19 January 2022, virtually. Bringing experts from electronic components and related systems together, ECS 2022 is aiming to create a networking environment for calls of Key Digital Technologies JU, Horizon Europe and 6G Smart Networks and Services JU. Any company or institution with interest in electronic components and looking for consortia opportunities is more than welcome to join ECS 2022 event.

Attending the ECS event is free of charge for members of AENEAS, Inside-IA ve EPoSS, including public authorities. For those who are not part of one of these communities, an entrance fee of 40 Euros including VAT is to be paid in advance. 

You may visit ECS Collaboration Tool website for the event calendar, registration process and further information.