12 May 2020

Ufuk2020 programında tematik alanlar özelinde açılan çağrılar dışında,  INNOSUP 01 programı kapsamında “üçüncü taraflara açılan çağrılar” başlığı altında KOBİ’lerin başvuracağı çağrılar ya da ödüller çoğunlukta olmakla birlikte farklı kurum, kuruluş veya araştırmacıların konsorsiyumlu ya da konsorsiyumsuz başvuracağı çağrılar bulunmaktadır. Çağrı konuları ise ilgili olduğu INNOSUP 01 projesi doğrultusunda Ufuk2020 ile ilintili farklı konu ve problemleri içermektedir. Üçüncü tarafların başvurabileceği çağrıların son başvuru tarihi ise değişiklik göstermektedir.

INNOSUP 01 çağrısı ile ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiye buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. 

Bahsedilen “üçüncü taraflara açılan çağrılar”a ve açık çağrılar kapsamında başvuru koşullarına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.


Ufuk2020 INNOSUP Programı Tematik Alanlar Özelinde 3. Taraflara Açılan Çağrılar

Malzeme ve İmalat Teknolojileri Alanındaki Çağrılar





MARKET4.0 – 1st Open Call

Deadline: 28 May 2020

Call title: MARKET4.0 - 1st Open Call for proposals

Project full name: A Multi-Sided Business Platform for Plug and Produce Industrial Product Service Systems

Project acronym: MARKET4.0

Grant agreement number: 822064

Publication date: 1 March 2020

Deadline: 28 May 2020 at 17:00 (CET)

Total financial support per sub-project: The budget per sub-project may be either €50 000 or €100 000 depending on the type of project.

Expected duration of participation: 12 months

Type of partner organisations involved in the experiment: The consortium members are in one of the following categories:

Production equipment providers or technology providers in the manufacturing sector,

Manufacturing companies (e.g. Original Equipment Manufacturers, Tier-1 suppliers, Tier-2 suppliers, Tier-3 suppliers, in different sectors such as automotive, aerospace, white goods etc.),

Research/non-industrial legal entities (i.e. research centres, universities) and

Industrial associations.

Project web address: http://market40.eu

Proposal submission web address & full call information: http://market40.eu/open-calls

Further information: market40opencalls@market40.eu or via F6S


Additional information

Call Details

One of the main objectives of the MARKET4.0 open calls is to increase the MARKET4.0 ecosystem and alliance building. Through financial support to third parties, the MARKET4.0 platform will be populated with production equipment and services data by relevant production equipment suppliers as well as the MARKET4.0 platform will be enriched with offerings in terms of applications and services.

Open call-1 asks for two types (type A and type B) of projects as explained hereafter.

Type A: Requests for projects addresses production equipment companies that want to connect to the MARKET4.0 marketplace in one of the three domains (metal, plastics and high-tech), by installing and configuring IDS connectors and using domain-specific apps in order to populate with their data the MARKET4.0 platform. Proposals are expected from production equipment companies together with software companies that undertake the implementation of the IDS connection part. The production equipment supplier should be in one of MARKET4.0 domains (metal, plastics or high-tech). Type A projects will be funded with fixed lump-sums of €100 000.

Type B: Requests for projects offering services in order to extend the functionalities of existing production equipment domains (metal, plastics, and high-tech). In this type, the consortium consists of at least one software or technology provider company for offering additional application(s) or service(s) on top of the MARKET4.0 platform. It is expected that the applicants already have some solution in place and will receive funding for integrating their solutions through the MARKET4.0 platform. Type B projects will be funded with fixed lump-sums of €50 000.

A total funding of €1 200 000 to open call -1 will be allocated.

Submission Details

Call opens: 1 March 2020

Submission deadline: All submissions must be made by 17:00 PM CET, 28 May 2020

Electronic submission: Proposal should be submitted only via F6S

For Open Call documentation, visit http://market40.eu. To request matchmaking support for the purposes of consortium building, fill in the application form on F6S.



Deadline: 30 June 2020

Project full name: Pan-European Access for manufacturing SMEs on technology services for clean production through a Network of premier key enabling technology centres (KET TCs) with one stop shop access including Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and discourse with policy makers on Regional Innovation Systems (RIS3)
Project acronym: KET4CleanProduction
Call identifier: H2020-INNOSUP-03-07-08-2017
Call title: Cross-border multi-KET projects for integration of clean production in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises
Grant agreement number: 777441
Publication Date: 1 June 2018
Evaluation Cut-off Dates: 31 July 2018, 31 October 2018, 31 January 2019, 30 April 2019, 31 July 2019, 31 October 2019, 31 January 2020, 29 April 2020 30 June 2020, each 17:00 CET
Deadline: 29 April 2020 30 June 2020, 17:00 CET
Expected duration of participation: 6 months
Total EU funding available for third parties: €2 000 000
Maximum amount of financial support for each third party: €50 000 (provided as lump sum). The micro grant covers 70% of the total project costs. The remaining 30% have to be provided by the applicant SME.
Submission language: English
Submission of proposals: via webpage https://www.ket4sme.eu/micro-grants
E-mail address for further informationinfo@ket4sme.eu

Task description

KET4CleanProduction is a coordination and support action (CSA) funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme. The project fosters the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies (KETs) by small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to upgrade their production processes towards resource- and energy efficiency. To support this goal, the project aims to create an open innovation ecosystem with a one-stop-shop web platform and has an open call for proposals for financial support (€50 000 per SME) to

  • facilitate the access of manufacturing SMEs to technology services and facilities for clean production innovation and
  • enable cross-border cooperation with two international KET Technology Centres in clean production.

The call is open to all SMEs located in one of the EU member states or H2020 associated countries[1]. SME applicants from the United Kingdom (UK) should be aware about the possible effect on their KET4CleanProduction micro grants depending on the UK exit scenario from the European Union: In the case of a no deal exit, for example, no proposals can be accepted and micro grants paid to UK applicants anymore, as the KET4CleanProduction call is limited to EU member states and H2020 associated countries.

The applicant SME must be a single company (not in a consortium) and active in the manufacturing sector. Manufacturing comprises the physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. This includes many different sectors ranging from machinery and equipment to automotive, chemical industry, medical, healthcare, transportation, food etc. (all activities included in NACE Rev. 2 Section C[2]).
A cross-border project requires one SME and two KET Technology Centres from at least two different EU member states. Eligible KET Technology Centres are defined as being registered (1) on the KET TC mapping by the European Commission's DG Growth and (2) on the KET4CP mapping.

The types of activities that qualify for receiving financial support have to focus on the integration of advanced manufacturing technologies and combination with multi-KETs seeking one or several of the following clean production objectives (or a related objective specified by the applicant):

  • the development of new production processes;
  • the improvement of the manufacturing of existing products by reducing production costs;
  • the improvement of the manufacturing of existing products by reducing the reliance on raw materials
  • the improvement of the manufacturing of existing products and by reducing the consumption of energy during the whole life cycle of products;
  • the diminution of the adverse impacts on the environment by reducing the generation of waste and pollution emission.

A micro grant proposal form can be submitted at any time while the call for proposals is open until 29 April 2020 or until the maximum funding capacity of the project is reached. Proposals are evaluated by an external evaluation board every three months, at distinct cut-off dates, with the first one being on 31 July 2018. Proposals will be evaluated as submitted after each cut-off date: No additions or changes in the micro grant proposal will be considered after the submission. By accepting the micro grant, the applicant SME commits to providing an implementation report and feedback on the supported activities.

Applications should be made via https:/www.ket4sme.eu/micro-grants following the steps described in the "Guide for Applicants". The KET4CleanProduction consortium can be contacted via e-mail (info@ket4sme.eu) or the contact form.


WeldGalaxy 1st open call

Deadline: 29 May 2020

Call title: WeldGalaxy 1st open call for proposals on innovative arc welding solutions
Project full name: Digital Dynamic Knowledge Platform for Welding in Manufacturing Industries
Project acronym: WeldGalaxy
Grant agreement number: 822106
Publication date: 16 March 2020
Deadline: 29 May 2020 at 18:00 (CET)
Expected duration of participation: 6 months
Total EU funding available: Up to €100 000
Number of proposals to be funded: 10

Submission & evaluation process:
Submission through the application form available on https://weldgalaxy-opencall.fundingbox.com
The selection of the open call proposals will be carried out in a two-step process. Step one will involve external evaluation to assess the proposal according to the criteria. Step two will involve the consortium to prioritise the proposals based on the external evaluation result, the expected impact, the project resources and coverage of the objectives of the project in general.

Further information:

Applicants & consortium eligibility: The call is open to manufacturing SMEs or MidCaps applying alone or in small consortia (2 to 3 partners) from the EU and H2020 associated countries

About WeldGalaxy

The arc welding industry is increasingly being challenged to find innovative new solutions to remain competitive. Increased regulation (e.g. Health, Safety and the Environment) together with an ongoing reduction in skilled welders lead to requirements for innovative products and mechanised and automated solutions, offering improved quality and productivity taking into account the impact on the environment.

WeldGalaxy is looking for efficient and cost-effective arc welding methods to weld variety of materials with a variety of geometries and thicknesses. The innovation should be shown in terms of equipment, consumables and/or welding processes.

Another important aspect of selected proposals should be the generation of data to enhance the WeldGalaxy platform development as selected beneficiaries will participate as beta testers of the WeldGalaxy platform to help in creating the market proof to test the ‘online welding equipment and consumables platform’.

Ten selected pilots will become part of an exclusive WeldGalaxy Support Program which includes:

  • Technical support from industry experts from TWI
  • Business Mentoring
  • Up to €100 000 funding
  • WeldGalaxy account
  • Demonstration facilities
  • Media exposure
  • Access to private & public investment



Deadline: 31 August 2021

Project full name: Sustainable ecosysteM for the Adoption, Ramp-up and Transfer of Emerging Electronics Solutions
Project acronym: SmartEEs
Call identifier: SmartEEs203-2020 call
Grant agreement number: 872076
Publication Date: 6 March 2020
Deadlines and cut-off dates:




1st cut-off

5 June 2020

2nd cut-off

23 September 2020

3rd cut-off

15 January 2021

4th cut-off

7 May 2021

5th cut-off

31 August 2021

IMPORTANT: SmartEEs2 project would like to directly contribute to reducing spread of COVID–19 and other viruses with flexible & wearable electronics as solutions in the field of prevention, diagnostics, therapy, etc.

Therefore, SmartEEs2 will preferentially support a minimum of 2 Application Experiment proposals related to this thematic particularly under the 1st cut-off date; and possibly more proposals in subsequent cut-offs.

Expected duration of participation: 9-12 months of Application Experiment implementation following successful definition of the Joint Implementation Plan and signature of the Service Delivery Agreement
Total EU funding available: The financial support available for an Application Experiment is up to €100 000:

  1. Up to €60 000 worth of technical services delivered directly by the SmartEEs community or by third party suppliers affiliated to the SmartEEs Community in the form of a Voucher
  2. Up to €20 000 Voucher assigned to the Innovative Company for technical activities integrating above technical services and directly related to the product prototyping / support to manufacturing activities (Deliverable 1 of the Application Experiment)
  3. Up to €20 000 assigned for non-technical activities related to the setting-up of the exploitation plan (Deliverable 2 of the Application Experiment):
    • In the form of a Voucher if activities are carried out directly and fully by the Innovative Company (in case the Innovative Company has all required competences to establish a comprehensive Exploitation Plan),
    • or alternatively delivered directly as a comprehensive non-technical service by the SmartEEs2 consortium.

The financial support of the Application Experiment will be complemented by the in-Kind contribution of all third party benefiting from the Voucher (being suppliers of services or Innovative Companies), complying with the H2020 funding rules (70% funding rate of eligible costs for private organisations). This can be translated as follows for the 3 cases described above:

  • Case 1.: The third-party supplier will provide €25 000 in-kind contribution. Hence, the Voucher (€60 000) will represent 70% of the total financing for its services (€85 000)
  • Case 2.: The Innovative Company will provide €8500 in-kind contribution. Hence, the Voucher (€20 000) will represent 70% of the total financing for its activities (€28 500)
  • Case 2. + Case 3.a.: The Innovative Company will provide €17 000 in-kind contribution. Hence, the Voucher (€40 000) will represent 70% of the total financing for its activities (€57 000).

Submission process: Applicants are required to:

  1. Register through the submission software at https://apply.smartees2.eu;
  2. Download Application Form from the software;
  3. Complete the Application Form, save it as a PDF file (MAX 5 pages), upload it and submit it through the submission software.

Evaluation process: Any submitted proposal will be evaluated by 3 evaluators in the nearest cut-off. All proposals will be evaluated (scores ranging from 0 to 5) according to the following criteria:

  • Concept;
  • Implementation;
  • Impact.

The maximum overall score is 15. The standard threshold for individual criteria is 3, and the standard overall threshold, applying to the sum of the three individual scores, is 9. The average of the 3 scores given by evaluators per section and total will be calculated for each proposal. Proposals failing to achieve the threshold score per individual criteria and the overall threshold will be rejected. Proposals will be ranked according to the overall scores in descending order.

The most successful proposals, having passed the evaluation and technical feasibility check, will be offered the chance to negotiate and define a Joint Implementation Plan (JIP) with the Service Delivery Manager (SDM) assigned by SmartEEs2.

Evaluation will be returned approximately 8 weeks from submission deadline.

Further information:
SmartEEs Helpdesk: helpdesk@smartees.eu
+420 604 104 761
+420 226 217 422

Task description: SmartEEs2, a European acceleration program, is organising an open Call for Application Experiments with the objective of providing support to Innovative Companies to digitalise their businesses and access new markets by integrating Flexible and Wearable Electronics technologies (FWE) into advanced products / series of products and services.

Interested companies can apply to one of the following two topics:


Important notice for applicants applying to both topics:

  • SmartEEs2 project would like to directly contribute to reducing spread of COVID–19 and other viruses with flexible & wearable electronics as solutions in the field of prevention, diagnostics, therapy, etc. Therefore, SmartEEs2 will preferentially support a minimum of 2 Application Experiment proposals related to this thematic particularly under the 1st cut-off date.
  • Applicants are requested to contact Helpdesk prior to applying to the Call for AEs in order to check technical and business feasibility / scope of their ideas. The feasibility check will be performed by SmartEEs2 technical and business experts.