EIC Çağrılarında 2 Türk Kuruluş Koordinatör Olarak Desteklenmeye Hak Kazandı
  04 February 2022

With the European Innovation Council (EIC) program, it is aimed to develop innovative technologies and to support project ideas at all technology readiness levels with different funding tools. In this type of projects, calls are made that allow stakeholders from all types of organizations to receive support, within the concept of idea to market.

In this context, as a result of the evaluation of the project applications made to the EIC Pathfinder Open call opened in 2021, it was decided to support the BioPIM project, which was presented by Prof Can Alkan from Bilkent University to work on Bioinformatics Algorithms.

With this; As a result of the evaluation of the project applications made to the EIC Transition Challenges call, which was also opened in 2021, it was decided to support the KATSIM project, which was presented by Prof Dr Hakan Ürey from Koç University in order to create an innovative solution in the field of health. CYVision company also took part as a partner in the KATSIM project.

Our researchers will undertake the coordination of both projects and they have been awarded a total of 4 Million Euros for their projects.

We congratulate our universities and researchers for their success.

For any questions about the EIC Program, you can contact us via ncpeic@tubitak.gov.tr ​​e-mail address.