19 Eylül 2016

An Information Day and Brokerage Event will take place on 13 October 2016, Friday specifically focusing on Logistics calls of Horzion 2020 Transport configuraiton by European Commission and ALICE (Alliance for Logistics Operations through Collaboration in Europe) Technolgy Platform. During Information Day session, European Commission will provide necessary details on the scope of the calls. ALICE will also present its expectations relating ALICE Roadmaps and possible contributions from project proposals.

You can simply register through the following link: http://www.etp-logistics.eu/?page_id=861

Logistics calls under Smart, Green, and Integrated Transport Work Programme could be reached via following links:

MG-5.2-2017: Innovative ICT solutions for future logistics operations (RIA)

MG-5.4-2017: Potential of the Physical Internet (RIA ve CSA)

Detailed information and the agenda for event could be traced through the following links:

Info Day & Brokerage Event: Logistics Topics in H2020 calls 2017

Agenda of the Event


For further details, please do not hesitate to contact with Turkish National Contact Points for Transport:
 Serhat MELİK & Muhammet Hakan HORZUM 
Turkish National Contact Points for Transport
E-Mail: ncptransport@tubitak.gov.tr
Address: YÖK Binası B-5 Blok
UİDB AB Çerçeve Programlar Müdürlüğü
Bilkent/Çankaya - Ankara